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BlogBusiness Soul Affirmations


3 Mins read

For today’s BlessUP post, I have some sweet news for you and your MIND, with a bit of parental description advised—as today’s words are NOT for the faint of heart, but from the cleaners cleaner—Sir Tim Grover.  Please read on then hit up Sir Jocko again to renew your mind and remind you to get control of your own mental fortitude. Oh, and stop eating Sugar!

A Lesson in Relentlessness from Tim Grover

Read the following excerpts from Relentless, you’ll thank me:

“If you come to me to drop weight, you better have your last meal before we get started. I’ve got five weeks to get you in shape; we’re starting the minute you walk in the door, and if you don’t cheat, if you don’t swipe a few fries off your Buddy’s plate or sneak a few beers at your cousin’s wedding, you’ll drop twenty pounds in the first three weeks. I’ll give you the meals, I’ll give you a list of everything you can eat and everything you can’t. I’ll send someone to cook for you. I’ll sit down with your wife or mom and explain how much sugar is in the two gallons of orange juice you’re putting down every day. But you have to follow the rules.

Believe me, if you really want to know what someone is made of, watch them go through sugar detox. This isn’t a ‘low carb’ diet or Atkins knockoff; we’re talking zero sugars. And since most people have no idea how much sugar is hiding in most foods, I give them a written guideline of what they can and can’t eat, with a warning that says, ‘You’ll know the program is working when you get a headache right behind one eye and you want to throw up.’ Within the first two days, they twitch, get hot and cold sweats, terrible gas, crazy thirst, and then they get shakes that only heroin and cocaine addicts can understand. I’m taking every ounce of sugar out of your body for ten days. After two horrible days, it starts getting better. And if you cheat, I’ll know.

A guy will come into the gym during his detox and I’ll ask how he feels. Fine, he says, just fine. Hmm.

I give it one more day. Feeling okay? Following the diet? Yep, all good.

Okay, you’re a f*cking liar. You want to screw this up, do it somewhere else. I know it’s not easy, but you can’t stay in your comfort zone and expect results. Challenge yourself. Don’t be afraid to be uncomfortable. We can’t help people committed to failure.”

Indeed! Now that is relentless speak. Clear and candid truth from a real-life cleaner, who created cleaners. Think MJ and Kobe. Now compare Sir Tim’s words with how most people approach losing weight—according to Tim:

“But I don’t want to sacrifice anything. I still want to eat delicious foods. Isn’t there a shortcut? I don’t want to do any work. Just hand me over the wonder pill. Oh, but those supplements are expensive. I don’t know if I can do that. I am so hungry at times. Do I really have to work out? Isn’t there an easier way? Blah, blah, blah… I’m such a little b*tch.”

Society trains us to behave like a bunch of f*cking 5-year-olds. Anything that demands a little bit of work and discipline is too hard. We’ve become so soft it’s a wonder we’re even surviving as a species.

Which one are you?

Thankfully and frankfully 🤯, there are mentors like Sir Tim Grover who clearly and candidly show us that there’s another way. And Jocko too:

Now that your mind is refreshed and more open, ask yourself: where in life are you staying too comfortable? Not eating healthy? Skipping daily exercise? Not dedicating time to self-improvement or gaining new skills? Avoiding challenges that could help you grow and make a bigger impact?

In other words, where are you stuck in a comfortable rut that’s holding you back from achieving amazing results? Is it time to step out of that comfort zone? Maybe it’s time to take on a new challenge, gain new skills, or push yourself to go the extra mile.

22 posts

About author
A lifelong learner. A visionary. A BlessUP mentor. Rodd is the founder of, BlessUP Technologies Inc, and the positive rewards token, ACT.X. He is on a divine mission to WOW the world with transformational referral marketing technologies that empower 1 billion business souls to find their economic greatness and live the life they dream of. His favorite quote is: "Do what you love in the service of others who love what you do." 🙏
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