“Life will hit you hard in the face, wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you in the stomach. But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.” ― Sarah Kay
Something will go wrong in your life. A rugged fact you cannot argue. Especially if you are going 10x and chasing your best. Not as planned is part of the expansion process. Always remember the ZIG-ZAG:
Successful people understand such an up-and-down challenge, including what the journey really looks like. Overcomers also know how to deal with setbacks, and with SPEED. In other words, if you fail or life brings you an unexpected challenge, let your emotions and pissed-off self do their thing, but just for a little bit. Not long. Never more than say, 5-minutes! 🤬
Go ahead. Get it out and get it off of you. Out of your life. Cry. Scream. Complain. Bitch. Moan. You have permission. But not for long—for no more than 5 minutes. Then move on to root cause and Kaizen!
Now what you do NOT have permission to do is let that negative pain grow and fester and continue to harm you past 5-minutes. So here is a very simple tool. Just say…
A good rocky plot twist.
5 minutes letting it all out. PLOT TWIST! A good rocky plot twist at that. Mix in some determination with moments of victory, and you can handle any zig-zag-challenge life throws your way.