Every day is a fresh start, allowing us to experience new things, learn, grow, and overcome yesterday’s setbacks. We have the option to either let another day pass or declare ‘D-Day is finally here; let’s give it our all!’
Jumpstarting motivation can be achieved by setting a clear intention. It is a self-guided trend, a practice that has a transformative effect on how we go about our daily lives. Our deepest thoughts and desires are often filled with specific and target-driven goals.
By setting intentions, we can identify what matters most and use it to guide our actions and decisions. The people we can spend time with in this life will be filtered by it. A kind of compass that helps us gain awareness of how we live. Our soul is reflected in a way that is guided by our values and principles. It is a powerful practice that helps us overcome our barriers.
Here are some ways to create clear intentions:
- Be specific and crystal clear. The more specific and clear our intentions are, the clearer the path ahead will be.
- Evaluate values and intentions. Look for a synergy that exists between them. The alignment will help us remember the purpose and why of this intention.
- It’s important to write positive intentions with what we want rather than what we don’t want or “should” want.
- Visualize the outcome of our intentions by taking a moment to visualize them. Engage our senses and create a vision that is full of detail.