BlessUP 10X Monday, business soul friends!
When we show up and deliver amazing results, our clients share beautiful stories in the marketplace. Know that good news spreads twice as fast as bad news. If we keep on putting goodness and excellence in our artworks, good news will go around.
Choose to be in the arena to get a task done. Be a person today that you can be proud of tomorrow.
If you want something, you have to go get it! Show up and keep in mind that you are seeking success, victories, growth, and potential.
There is no entitlement to success in business, so the only way to win is for us to take full responsibility for our actions and decisions. Sometimes, it is easy to blame the marketplace, our competitors, our clients, or some other person for our challenges, but we must learn that there are always more positive alternatives that we can find in every setback that we are in.
We should never assume a victim mentality we are dealing with challenges in our North Stars and company goals. We should not let fear of failure lead us to compromise our Core Values. We need our success to feed our own and make every challenge a WIN. We become the winner when we outwit our own fear.
We must also keep in mind that growing a business can feel like a battle. We are constantly fighting to achieve our next goal or to overcome those obstacles that have just been thrown down in front of us. But everything we learned from 0-24s and unsuccessful launches is a success and a step forward for us to constantly improve and keep a positive perspective. It teaches us how well we handle uncertainties by climbing over our hurdles and standing back up after a fall. We must pick battles that have value in creating a plan to help us better serve our clients, create purple WOW branding, and team support. We must also cherish our victories, but not let them make us complacent.
Until I SEE YOU again,
Push and do whatever it takes.
Keep working hard and dig deep.
Find a way and make a way.
BlessUP π