BSI DREAM. Business Soul Intelligence. Knowledge is meant for the journey of a lifetime. Your divine skills are connected to your dreams and are shared with the world, including the people you care most about.
Show them the struggle and success.
One of the greatest gifts you can give your family, friends, and your children is showing them you grinding, hustling, and executing.
Don’t hide the struggle or the success. The blood, sweat, and tears —they all mean so much. Show them you —both your higher self and lower self—in the arena. Expose your zig-zag voyage of chasing your divine economic hero/shero to support your economic need as one day, they too will have to chase their business soul!
Never give up on your business soul dreams. Never ever. And for nothing. NO thing and for NO person. If your partner does not support your dreams, you may have the wrong partner. Same for you, don’t be a dream stealer. Surely never jealous. Support your loved one’s dreams. Never ever hate someone chasing their higher self. Be there for them. Lift them up. Share blessings with them. Honor them. Never steal from them.
In other words, don’t hide the painful journey from your loved ones. Show them you being a player in the game of life, not just a spectator. Share your wins. Share your rewards. But share the pain too. Never exclude or try to balance them. Include them. Ensure they feel part of what you are chasing.
Work-Life-Integration is real. Forget the balance. Trying to balance anything is a failing plan, a never-ending struggle.
WLi is a blessed philosophy that works, but you have to open up. Be transparent. Candidly and clearly communicate your personal why to the people you care about. Tell them about your dreams and include them in your journey. Grab their hand and let them walk with you. Bring them along for the ride of a lifetime.