Who doesn’t want to be a billionaire? Well, most people would say they’d want to be one but to be a billionaire requires great PASSION. Now, it’s easy to say that we are more passionate about what we do than to be REAL with what comes out of our mouths.
By listening to this audiobook though, I have learned about how a boy, who came from a poor family, made his way to being one of the richest men in the U.S.
Sir Ken Langone who’s known as an investor and Co-founder of Home Depot was once a dreamer like you and me. He started working at a young age to get a good education, where he had to work from a minimum wage rate to gain a higher offer from another company. Ken never missed a work opportunity even when he got into college, and never did he put himself to average work even when the pay is less. The people believed in him and admires his work ethic. This is why it’s easy for Ken to receive support and convince people who are above him in terms of business.
While Ken needs to earn, he also had to juggle his duties in the Army and his family. Although he married at a young age, Ken and his wife Elaine remain steadfast despite the many struggles of a married couple. I would say that even when they didn’t date that long, he was blessed with a supportive and indeed very smart young lady.
He finished his education and graduated with gratitude from all the people who helped him in his former school, he even felt like he owes Bucknell big time even after repaying Ms. Henderson. Ken has always been humble and he savors every experience, good and bad. One thing I love the most about Ken was him accepting every challenge as if it’s really his own and he takes it seriously. He knows what he is doing and never had a second thought in seizing every obstacle, a REAL Winner trait to be exact!

For someone who easily feels disheartened with difficult circumstances, hearing every struggle that Sir Ken has to go through and how he bravely fought every bump in life, has encouraged me to see the blessings in every situation. How we act when tribulation arises speaks more of our character than our capabilities. This is because our capabilities are unknown unless we try something we have never done before. It’s like being alienated from our world of AVERAGE. An average world where we love to stay in our mediocre state instead of crossing a shaky bridge and unlocking skills and opportunities we never thought we could have.
As Ken embraces the world of business and Finance, he met new people in the industry; some were good and some were terrible at doing their job. Some were good at keeping relationships and connections, and some are just good for their greed. Ken was different. While he kept his work ethic intact, he also made every individual around him special and functional. It is important that we must learn to keep relationships not just with our family but also at work— where we do business. This helps us improve our overall productivity, social skill, and most of all our personal development. I’ve also noticed that people who maintain good relationships at work easily get further in their careers, which is a perfect example of what Sir Ken Langone has portrayed in this audiobook, I LOVE Capitalism!
“We have 360,000 Associates, and EVERY SINGLE ONE of them matters!”
As I dug further into learning the importance of a massive work ethic, I also realized that managing finances is as important as keeping your entire being healthy, (Mentally, Physically, emotionally, and most of all Financially) Our Financial habit describes who we are during our favored days and in crisis. Sir Ken’s behavior when he has nothing was as intense as when he had everything, as he never allowed money to rule over him, but rather uses it to grow and invest.
He studied finance and partnered with many investors in the U.S., which made his way through co-founding Home Depot. Yet, launching a huge organization with different leaders and businessmen around, will either help the business grow or withdraw several investors, all because you were not sailing in the same direction as them. This is why we should constantly check who’s for us and against us when rough times arise.
I love the quote “There’s nothing in my business life that could top the success of Home Depot.” — This is an example of when your boat starts to get shaky yet YOU as the Captain, remain committed and unwavering even when the waves are about to turn your boat upside down. It’s about that BOLD Spirit. It’s about being Relentless! Yet as humble, and kind as Sir Ken Langone.
My top 5 Phrases:
- In business, you don’t have the luxury of not holding people accountable, you owe it to the company to do the right thing.
- When it comes to making the toughest decisions, I have no problem at all. I also do not have a problem with not admitting my mistakes.
- I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor, rich is better!
- If you love your work, you’re gonna be a big success, you CAN’T learn with luck!
Sir Ken speaks about Accountability and Ownership! We hear and see these two words every day in basecamp. And these phrases from our Core Values shaped our culture and with no mistake, each of us here in NaXum.
I have learned from my day 1 as a Client Champ that accountability and ownership once practiced will flow through you wherever your career path will be. It’s either a joyful or painful discipline we give to ourselves every day, yet the reward is always something GREAT!
I’ve also concluded that greatness requires a lot of accountability in you, which is why many successful and known individuals never miss to include accountability in their lists. Another thing Ken mentioned during the last minutes of this audiobook is the willingness to work and loving what you do. Because we will never feel fully accomplished in life unless we love what we do. I love to put myself in Sir Ken’s shoes and see work as a privileged until when I’m old and grey.
Finally, I agree to say that success begins when you love what you do! Poverty is not an excuse, and so we must work hard for what we’ve dreamed of and take the next level to innovate! In the end, Mentality is EVERYTHING, and that is your edge over everyone else.